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Caring For Our Environment

environment-01Our belief at Kindilan is, lessons learned when children are young, carry into adulthood and help in the sustainability of our environment.

Sustainability is promoted and incorporated into our daily routines, play experiences and planned group times. All rooms have gardens where children care for and are involved in planting, watering and harvesting. The children are encouraged to try the fruits of their labour and some of the produce is also used in the preparation of the Centre’s meals. Our food scraps are recycled in our worm farms, compost bins and distributed to the educator’s chickens at home.

All rooms have recycling bins, which the children are educated in using through practice, visual signs and group discussions.

Our toilets have dual flush systems and temp stop hand taps, in order to minimise unnecessary water loss and to help educate the children about water conservation through hands-on experience on a daily basis.

We have two 22,000 litre water tanks for the watering of gardens and the flushing of toilets.

The Centre also has enough solar panels to generate approximately all of the Centre’s electricity needs.

When children are given the opportunity to be responsible and given suitable time to adopt new practices, we believe that their level of understanding, memory recall and behavior usually exceed our expectations.

Leaving Small And Valuable Footprints!